K2 Base Camp Trek

19 days

Next Departure:
June July August 2024




Booking now available for June July August 2025

$2400 per person

Book with $500 and pay remaining amount 60 days before prior travel date

10% early bird discount if booked before 31 October 2024


K2 is the world's second highest mountain. Gasherbrum 4, Broad Peak, Mitre Peak and Chogolisa form the rest of an astounding circle of mountain giants also known as 'the throne room of the Gods'. This stunning trek starts in Askole and follows the Braldu gorge to the snout of the Baltoro glacier, which trekkers can follow to Concordia. There is an optional day walk to K2 and Broad Peak base camps. This is one of the world’s most stunning mountain treks and it is wild and remote with a scenery of unmatched grandeur.


On arrival transfer the group to hotel, in Islamabad . You will meet your guide in the afternoon at the hotel for a trip briefing and gear check.If the flight lands late night the briefing will be held next day.

Day 2: Fly to SKARDU (45 min flight / 10-12 hour drive to Chilas) 
a) Weather permitting, we take a spectacular flight to the high mountain region of Baltistan in the north east. On a clear day we should be able to see Nanga Parbat (8124m) and K2 (8611m) towering above all other mountains. (It is quite possible adverse weather in Islamabad or Skardu may affect our flight plans and make it necessary to drive by the Karakoram Highway to Skardu, a journey of approx two days). 
b) In case of cancellation of flight drive 10-12hrs by air conditioned coach/car to Chilas (480km) on the Karakoram highway. Overnight at hotel

Day 3: Drive to SKARDU from CHILAS / Rest Day (2340m / 7677ft) 
a) Overnight Hotel. Preparations for our trek and depending on our time of arrival into Skardu, there may be time to visit the town and possibly an excursion to Kachura Lake situated at the edge of the valley. Skardu is the regional capital of Baltistan, lying at the edge of a broad floodplain that is the confluence of the Shyok, Indus and Basha Rivers. b) If we are driving the road journey today will be 7-8 hrs to Skardu (275km). On route are spectacular views of Nanga Parbat (8125m) overnight Hotel.

Day 4: Drive to ASKOLI (3000m / 9842ft) Approx 7-8 hrs
Jeep drive. It takes about six hours to drive from Skardu to Askolie or near Askolie. The drive through the Braldu Gorge is guaranteed to knock your socks off Overnight in tents.

Day 5: Trek to JOLA (3200m / 10498m) Approx 6-8 hrs
After considerable organisation of equipment, supplies and porter loads for the journey ahead, we commence trekking towards Jola. The walk from Askoli to Jola is on an easy gentle plain and can be done in 6 to 8 hours. We cross the snout of the Biafo Glacier on the way. The first sight of the pinnacles of the Paiyu Group is stunning. Overnight in tents.

Day 6: Trek to PAIYU (3450m / 11318ft) Approx 7-8 hrs 
We follow the Braldu and the Biaho rivers to a river’s edge campsite. On the way we have to cross the Domurda River coming out of Choktoi and Panmah Glaciers. This crossing is done on a ‘garari’ or on a bridge upstream. Depending upon the time it takes for the crossing, the walk can take 8 hours or more.The Masherbrum Group may be glimpsed to our right via the Xiangang Valley. The range is a vast array of peaks that extend almost the full length of the southern side of Baltoro. Walking conditions are hot and dry and care must be taken to prevent sunburn.

Day 7: PAIYU – Rest Day (3450m / 11318ft) 
Rest day. Wash up, relax, read, climb on a steep ridge behind the camp, sing and dance with the porters! Depending upon the size of the party, goats or a goat will be sacrificed and meat will be distributed to the porters as a form of thanksgiving and to bring us good luck on our next day’s walk on the Baltoro.

Day 8: Trek to KURBUTSE (3930m / 12893 ft) Approx 6-8 hrs
Trek on Baltoro Glacier. Six to eight hours of walking. A tough day as we climb on the rocky moraines of the Baltoro, but the sight of Baltoro pinnacles and Paiyu Peak is astounding! An earlier alternative campsite is Liligo, but there is no water there. We will cross some gushing streams on the way.

Day 9: URDUKUS (4050m / 13287) Approx 3-4 hrs 
A short 4 hour plus walk on the rocky moraines and ablation valley of the Baltoro. We will cross couple of icy side glaciers on the way and may have our first sight of Broad Peak and the Gasherbrums. The historical campsite is located on a grassy slope high above the Baltoro and commands one of the most intense mountain views in this world. The campsite was prepared by the Duke of Abruzzi in the beginning of this century.

Day 10: TO GORO II (4380m / 14370 ft) Approx 6-7 hrs 
This is a tough day’s walk on the undulating Baltoro. However, the footing becomes easy as the rocks become smaller and smaller as we move up the Baltoro. It takes about 7 hours to get to Goro II. We walk right smack up the center moraine of the Baltoro. As Masherbrum emerges on the right, it takes our breath away and so does Gasherbrum IV right in front of us. Goro is a cold campsite! It has a great view of the Muztagh Tower.

Day 11: CONCORDIA (4650m / 15255 ft) Approx 4-5 hrs 
A special day today as we trek into Concordia and enjoy our first views of K2 (weather permitting!). This location must be considered one of the world's most spectacular camps as it is totally surrounded by stunning peaks. As we leave Goro II, the Biange Glacier to the north provides a superb view up to Mustagh Tower (7284m), one of the most difficult mountains in the Karakoram to climb. The trail continues along fairly easy rolling slopes of moraine marked by cairns and then passes among ice towers or seracs as we approach the colliding glaciers at Concordia. Mitre Peak (6030m) rises to our right, with Golden Throne (Baltoro Kangri) (7312m) beside it, while the Gasherbrum Group is directly before us. The expanse of Broad Peak (8050m) is to the left and finally K2 (8611m) looms above the ridge towering over the Godwin Austen Glacier twelve kilometres away.

Day 12: At CONCORDIA / K-2 BASE CAMP / CONCORDIA Approx 4-5 hours each way 
Our schedule is somewhat flexible according to the prevailing weather conditions and group preference. One of our objectives is to visit K2 Base Camp (approx 5150m) and the Gilkey Memorial, a spectacular full day trip from camp.The most exciting day of this trek as you walk past Broad peak and get nearer to K-2 and arrive at the strip which is the most popular camping area for nearly all the expeditions to K-2. Here some of the top climbers of the world can be seen busy in preparations for the challenges ahead. Return to your camp at Concordia for overnight (K-2 base camp is too high and trekkers can get seriously ill from altitude if they stay for the night at this altitude, therefore the group must return to Concordia).

Day13: Trek to URDUKUS (4050m / 13287) Approx 8-10 hrs 
We continue our descent of the Baltoro glacier, today reaching as far as Urdukas where we make camp off the glacier for the first time in several days.

Day 14: Trek to PAIYU (3450m / 11318ft) Approx 6-8 hrs
Crossing the Baltoro to its north side beneath the towers of Uli Biaho we finally climb down its snout to reach a good trail back to the spring oasis of Paiyu.

Day15: Trek to khorofo Approx 6-7 hrs
Following the Braldu River downstream, we make the detour into the Panma Valley to the bridge across its tributary to reach Korofon.

Day 16:Trek to Askoli Drive to SKARDU (2340m / 7677ft) Approx 5-6 hrs
The final day of 2-3 hours trekking to the village of Askole. Here we say goodbye to our porters who will return to their villages. We drive to Skardu through the relatively verdant Shigar Valley and Shyok river cheking in hotel for a much needed shower.

Day 17: Fly ISLAMABAD or Drive to CHILAS
a) Weather permitting we will fly to Islamabad today, on arrival transfer to the hotel for overnight. b) In case of flight cancellation it is necessary to drive to Chilas and overnight at the hotel on the banks of the Indus.

Extra 'cushion' day! *Note: Day 20 will be used as a 'cushion' day in case of delays in travel due to weather, route change, health, acclimatization issues during the trek, etc.

Day 19: Trip Concludes in ISLAMABAD 
After breakfast you will be transferred to the airport for your return flight.

Additional Information:

The above schedule should be taken as a guide only. Inclement weather may cause delays in our journey, whether we are on foot or travelling by vehicle. Our schedule has been planned to allow for variations and where necessary, spare days will be used to compensate for these changes. Our guide reserves the right to make modifications or alterations to the trip schedule in the best interests and safety of all involved. A flexible approach will allow us to efficiently and effectively achieve trip objectives. 

trekking, k2100 Adventures